Saturday, April 05, 2008

iPhone 3G - Release date TBD (coming soon)!

With all the recent news of the new revision of the iPhone due out in the next few months it has spurred some thoughts on how well received this will be and what will it mean for AT&T.

Recently during a presentation Walt Mossberg Co-editor of All Things Digital has stated that iPhone will be 3G within the next 60 days. This has increase speculation about the summer release of the iPhone rev 2.0.

As someone who has waited to jump on the bandwagon for several reasons, but most notably because of the 2 year contract I was tied into with Verizon Wireless has decided to wait it out and switch over in September after my contact expired.

Currently reasons to wait for the next generation of iPhone (mostly speculation):
- 3G network capabilities
- Ability to download and use native (non-internet depended) application on your iPhone
- Ability to cut and paste
- Larger storage capacity 32 GB +
- Corporate system integration (push email, iCal, etc)

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