Saturday, January 24, 2015

Pay ATT Bill with Promotional Card Online

Below are the steps on how to pay your ATT bill online using your Promotional Card.

I was having a hard time finding out how to pay my ATT bill with my "Promotional Card" that I had received when I had sent in my old iPhone 4. Several websites indicated there where "hacks" to be able to get this to work and after contacting the website on the card and calling the 1-877-659-1886 number I was directed to go to an ATT retail store (not a authorized retailer). Finally I found that the website has been updated and you can do it all online now as of 1/2015.

  1. Log into your ATT account
  2. Click on the "Make a Payment"
    • Note if your have auto-payment enabled you may need to alter it for the month
  3. Under "Payment Method" you can now select "New Promotional Card"
  4. Enter the information from the Promotional Card
  5. Success! You should be able to credit your account from your Promotional Card. 

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