Friday, February 03, 2006

Big Brother IS Watching

It seems as today’s day and age becomes more advanced we seem to loose our identities (figuratively and literally speaking as identity theft increases in part because the world seems to operate on digital code more than human interaction). When we put our faith in technology we loose the trust that we once had in people. People who should have can not earn it because they do not get the face time with others.

Currently we have an interesting situation that was brought upon in part because of the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center. The current White House administration has enacted a presidential order allowing domestic surveillance without the use of warrants. Thus, theoretically bypassing the checks and balances of our judiciary system allowing for a broader “interpretation” of the law. This poses much concern for the generally public because it seems to grossly infringe upon our first amendment rights. All things being equal one can not place a necessity on homeland security, but it would be logical to assume that if the process of acquiring a warrant to perform domestic surveillance was not working as fast as it needed to that we develop a new system to approve the necessary warrants. Instead the government chose to bypass completely the reason we require warrants and allow domestic surveillance without requiring a warrant. It boggles my understanding of why such government that would is in place to protect oneself would choose to take such backwards steps in meeting such a need.

I do believe that the intentions of such a presidential order were in fact necessary and possibly needed. However, I can not agree with the methods and current state of such a policy. It is not those with good intentions that will abuse the scope and method of this, but government agencies who will not expose this “loophole” to administer domestic surveillance while bypassing the necessary means of regulation.

As always I never claim to be an expert on any topic, but I will post my opinions on several issues and welcome any current info.

The Dude Abides.

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