Thursday, January 29, 2009

2008 Tax Suites: Buyer Beware!

Very sly... buyer beware. As tax season is approaching and those of us early birds who file to get our money back that the government has graciously held for us back have begun working already on our 2008 taxes. However, after doing a little research I have noticed that several tax programs most notably TaxCut (H&R Block) and Turbo Tax (Intuit) have removed the packing of state e-filing from their packages.

Meaning that last year if I would have purchased the "Premier" version of TaxCut I would have been allowed to prepare both Federal and State taxes AND e-file both federal AND state. Currently they have removed these options in their 2008 software packages.

When digging I found a response from a representative at TaxCut that stated that few people had used the state e-filing so they had removed it and lowered the cost. Thus lowering the overall cost of the software package. This may be true and in some instance can save some people some money, but others who are more creatures of habit may overlook this small feature switch. Just a heads up. Now go get cracking on your taxes.

The Dude Abides.

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